Owensboro Historic Preservation Board
The Owensboro Historic Preservation Board is an agency of the City of Owensboro. Its members are appointed by the Owensboro City Commission. The OHPB has two primary functions:
1) Downtown Overlay District (Article 21 of the Owensboro Metropolitan Zoning Ordinance): For properties located within the Downtown Overlay District Boundary, the OHPB serves an an advisory committee to the Downtown Design Administrator (DDA) and hears appeals to urban design decisions made by the DDA. The OHPB has final approval of demolition requests within the Historic Core Character District. And, the OHPB has final approval of the design of particular civic venues identified within the Downtown Overlay District Regulating Plan.
2) Locally Designated Historic Districts/Landmarks (outside of the Downtown Overlay District boundary): The OHPB administers design review and other regulations within locally designated historic districts, such as the J.Z. Moore Historic Preservation District.
For more information regarding building, sign, or demolition permits, contact the Owensboro Metropoitan Planning Commission at 270-687-8665 or iompc.org.
Related documents:
Zoning Ordinance Article 21, Downtown Overlay Districts (updated 2015-08) 7.2MB
Downtown Overlay District Regulating Plan (excerpt)
Downtown Design Review Process (adopted 2009-10-20)
JZ Moore Historical Design Standards (2001) 14.89MB
Owensboro Historic Preservation Board Ordinance (adopted 2009-11-03)
Kentucky Heritage Council -
State Historic Preservation Office (Frankfort)
Identifies, preserves, and protects the cultural resources of Kentucky. The Council also maintains continually updated inventories of historic structures and archaeological sites and nominates properties to the National Register of Historic Places. y working with other state and federal agencies, local communities, and interested citizens, the Council seeks to build a greater awareness of Kentucky's past and to encourage the long-term preservation of Kentucky's significant cultural resources. Through its various programs the Council strives to show how historic resources contribute to the heritage, economy, and quality of life of all Kentuckians.
Tax Credit Program - The Heritage Council administers the Kentucky Historic Preservation Tax Credit program in partnership with the Kentucky Department of Revenue and the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit program in partnership with the National Park Service. Both of these credits are intended as incentives for private investment in historic buildings throughout the Commonwealth.
Preservation Kentucky Inc
Nonprofit member organization that promotes the preservation of Kentucky’s historic resources through advocacy and education. PK's Web site also includes informative links and information about statewide preservation efforts.
The Kentucky Trust for Historic Preservation
The Kentucky Trust for Historic Preservation is an independent, non-profit 501 (c)(3), bricks and mortar organization which uses hands-on approaches to save Kentucky's endangered buildings and sites. The Trust does what no one else in Kentucky does ... it saves Kentucky buildings through solid historic preservation practice by finding new owners for old buildings -- people who will commit to preserving their property through a Deed Covenant that protects their property in perpetuity.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
For more than 50 years, the National Trust has been helping people protect the irreplaceable. A private nonprofit organization with more than a quarter million members, the National Trust is the leader of the vigorous preservation movement that is saving the best of our past for the future. The need for the National Trust has increased since its founding in 1949. When historic buildings and neighborhoods are torn down or allowed to deteriorate, a part of our past disappears forever. When that happens, we lose history that helps us know who we are, and we lose opportunities to live and work in the kinds of interesting and attractive surroundings that older buildings can provide.
Preservation at the National Park Service
Informationon Grants, How To..., Laws, Standards & Guidelines, and Tax Incentives.
Preservation directories, listings and links.
Online resource for historic preservation, building restoration and cultural resource management in the United States & Canada.
It's goal is to foster the preservation of historic buildings, historic downtowns and neighborhoods, cultural resources and to promote heritage tourism by facilitating communication among preservationists, historical societies, state and federal historic preservation offices, and the general public.
It now has Grants & Funding Sources page that is very useful. New categories and historic resources are being added!
Kentucky Room,
Daviess County Public Library
2020 Frederica Street, Owensboro, KY 42301
The Kentucky Room is a special collection that includes local history, state history, and genealogy. Special materials include over 140 years of local newspapers on microfilm, an obituary index from 1890-present, Daviess County marriage records, deeds, and Kentucky Civil War Military records. Several years ago, PA donated documents on historic preservation to the Kentucky Room and the general library catalog.
Experienced staff members are available to assist customers in researching historical events or their genealogy.